The conditions of Cape York’s roads can vary dramatically throughout the year, from the middle of the monsoon when it is permit only and excess traffic is discouraged, to when they have just been graded, and after they have taken a beating during the July and September school holidays. There are very little funds available to maintain such a vast network of unsealed roads, so at times they can be less than suitable for some vehicles.
To access the most up to date info on the sections of road listed below, visit:
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will use load limits to manage heavy vehicle movements on unsealed sections of the Peninsula Developmental Road (PDR) and Burke Developmental Road (BDR). The load limits are necessary for the safety of road users and to prevent damage to saturated road formation and road infrastructure. Load limits will be reduced according to the condition of the road, most likely (42, 20 or 5 tonne). Unless road closures are required for specific safety reasons, the PDR and BDR will remain open for high-clearance vehicles under 5 tonne throughout the wet season.
TMR will provide up-to-date information about road conditions on the PDR and BDR via Traffic and Travel Information Services website or 13 19 40 telephone hotline.
The Tip
The 34km unsealed 4WD road from Bamaga to the Tip of Cape York is open. The unsealed 4WD roads to Punsand Bay and Somerset are open Adventure 4WD tracks to Fly Point, Nanthau Beach and Lake Wicheura subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Mutee Head
37km UNSEALED 2WD road from Bamaga to Mutee Head is open. ADVENTURE 4WD tracks to Jardine River mouth are subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Jardine Ferry
Jardine Ferry hours 0800-1700 daily. Call 4069 1369. NOTE fees apply.
Northern Peninsula Communities
2WD Sealed roads linking the communities of Bamaga, New Mapoon, Injinoo, Seisia and Umagico are OPEN. Drive with care and seek local knowledge beforehand. 2km unsealed 2WD track to Loyalty Beach is open, track subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Ussher Pt
62km 4WD track from the Bamaga Road to Ussher Point is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Vrilya Point
29km 4WD track from the Bamaga Road to Vrilya Point is closed until further notice.
OTL (North)
43km Adventure 4WD track along the Old Telegraph Line (northern section) is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. The Adventure 4WD tracks to the old Jardine River crossing, Bridge Ck to Bamaga Rd and Mistake Ck to Bamaga Rd are subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Bamaga Road (North)
62km 4WD Bamaga Road (North) is open. Be mindful that the road has sustained damage from the recent wet weather and will have unmarked pits and potholes. There is also a lot of mud on the road so take care. However these roads are subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Captain Billy’s Landing
27km 4WD track from the Bamaga Road (South) to Captain Billys Landing is open. However the road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Take care on the road as a washout has occurred. Contact Heathland ranger Station for heavy vehicle permits 07 4060 3241.
Bamaga Road (South)
The110km 4WD mostly unsealed Bamaga Road (South) is open. Be mindful that the road has sustained damage from the recent wet weather and will have unmarked pits and potholes. There is also a lot of mud on the road so take care. The 12km 4WD road to Heathlands is open. However these roads are subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
OTL (South)
43km Adventure 4WD track along the Old Telegraph Line (southern section) is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. The 4WD Gunshot Bypass tracks are subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Telegraph Rd
The 42km 4WD unsealed Telegraph Road from Bramwell to Moreton is open. Be mindful that the road has sustained damage from the recent wet weather and will have unmarked pits and potholes. The 72km 4WD Telegraph Road from Moreton TS to the PDR is open. Be mindful that a washout has occurred 10km north of Batavia. These roads are subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Stones Crossing
34km 4WD track from Mapoon Road to Stones Crossing is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Pennefather River
Adventure 4WD tracks to Pennefather River and to Duyfken Point are PERMIT ONLY, call 4069 7138. The track is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
PDR (Telegraph to Weipa)
146km 4WD mostly unsealed Peninsula Development Road (PDR) from the Telegraph Rd to Weipa is OPEN FOR HIGH CLEARANCE VEHICLES UNDER 5 TONNES ONLY. However the road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Take care as the road is slippery when wet. Contact TMR for heavy vehicle permits 07 40505448.
Portland Roads Road
The 29 km 4WD, mostly unsealed Portland Roads Road from Lockhart River community to Portland Roads, Cape Weymouth and Chili Beach is open. However the road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. WHEN OPEN HIGH CLEARANCE 4WD RECOMMENDED - TAKE CARE AT RIVER CROSSINGS
Oyala Thumotang/Archer
64km 4WD unsealed road to Rokeby and Oyala Thumotang NP is CLOSED. However the road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. The Adventure 4WD tracks to the Archer River (60km Governors/Horsetail and 28km Old Archer Crossing/Langi Lagoon) are subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
PDR (Coen to Archer)
51km 4WD unsealed Peninsula Development Road (PDR) from Archer River to the Telegraph Rd is open. Be mindful that the road has sustained damage from the recent wet weather and will have unmarked pits and potholes. Seek local advice, drive to conditions and take care. 72km 4WD unsealed PDR from Coen to Archer River is open. However the road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact TMR for heavy vehicle permits 07 40505448.
Port Stewart
63km 4WD road from the PDR to Port Stewart is Open. Sections of the road have been considerably weakened by the recent rain and may collapse without warning. The road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact Cook Shire Council for visitor traffic and heavy vehicle permits 07 4069 5444.
PDR (Musgrave to Coen)
72km 4WD unsealed PDR from Musgrave to Coen is open. Be mindful that the road has sustained damage from the recent wet weather and will have unmarked pits and potholes. The road is also extremely slippery so take great care. The road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact TMR for heavy vehicle permits 07 40505448.
Pormpuraaw Road
216km 4WD unsealed Pormpurraw Road is open. The road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact Cook Shire Council for visitor traffic and heavy vehicle permits 07 4069 5444.
Kowanyama to Pormpuraaw
The 4WD unsealed Pormpurraw to Kowanyama Road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact Carpentaria Shire Council for road conditions 07 4745 2200.
PDR (Hahn to Musgrave)
63km 4WD mostly unsealed PDR Hann River to Musgrave is open. Be mindful that the road has sustained damage from the recent wet weather and will have unmarked pits and potholes.The road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact TMR for heavy vehicle permits 07 40505448.
PDR (Laura to Hann)
63km 4WD mostly unsealed PDR Laura to Hann River is open. Be mindful that some parts of the roads have been damaged due to the rain. The road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact TMR for heavy vehicle permits 07 40505448.
Old Coach Road
The Adventure 4WD Old Coach Road is a rough track subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Kowanyama Road
The 4WD unsealed Kowanyama Road from the Burke Development Road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact Carpentaria Shire Council for road conditions 07 4745 2200.
PDR (Lakeland to Laura)
The 62km 2WD sealed PDR from Lakeland to Laura is OPEN.
Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy to Mount Carbine)
The 29km 2WD sealed Mulligan Highway from Mt Molloy to Mt Carbine is OPEN.
Mulligan Highway (Mount Carbine to Lakeland)
The 116km 2WD sealed Mulligan Highway from Mount Carbine to Lakeland is OPEN.
Burke Development Road
The 4WD unsealed Burke Development Road is CLOSED due to water damage. The road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Maytown Road
The 4WD unsealed Maytown Road is CLOSED except to local traffic. The road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. The 4WD unsealed road to Palmerville is CLOSED except to local traffic. Contact Cook Shire Council for heavy vehicle permits 07 4069 5444.
Bloomfield Track
The 65km 4wd Bloomfield Track from Cape Tribulation to Wujal Wujal is SUBJECT TO FLOODING HIGH CLEARANCE 4WD ONLY. Seek local advice. The Daintree River ferry operates 0600 to 2400. The sealed 2WD road Wujal Wujal to Ayton is OPEN. The 45km 4WD unsealed Ayton/Rossville to Mulligan Highway road is OPEN, HIGH CLEARANCE 4WD RECOMMENDED.
CREB Track
The 64km Adventure 4WD CREB Track is currently closed. Call 07 4044 3044 for road conditions.
The 43km 2WD partially unsealed Endeavour Valley Road from Cooktown to Hopevale is OPEN, HIGH CLEARANCE 4WD RECOMMENDED. 4WD unsealed. Due to water damage, there are a lot of pot holes and the road is quite slippery. Drive with care.
Battle Camp
The 138km 4WD mostly unsealed Battle Camp Road from Cooktown to Laura is often open late due to the crossing at the Normanby River.
Wakooka/Cape Melville
250km Adventure 4WD track from Cooktown to Starke, Mt Webb, Wakooka, Kalpowar and Lakefield is OPEN FROM MT WEBB TO WAKOOKA. Cape Melville National Park is Open. The roads is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact QPWS for info 40603271 or 40603260.
Bathurst Head
The 48km Adventure 4WD track from Kalpowar to Bathurst Head is Open. Contact QPWS for info 40603271 or 40603260.
Rinyirru (Lakefield)
The 193km 4WD Rinyirru (Lakefield) NP track from Musgrave to Laura is Open with locked gates at Saltwater Creek and Kalpowar Crossing. The 4WD Marina Plains Road (east of Musgrave Roadhouse) is OPEN TO HIGH CLEARANCE 4WD.
Batavia Downs to PDR
The 4WD unsealed road from Batavia Downs to the PDR is is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Weipa to Mapoon
The 2WD unsealed Weipa to Mapoon Road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Frenchmans Track
62km Adventure 4WD Frenchmans Track, alternate route to Iron Range from Telegraph Road just to the Portland Roads Rd. The rugged track fords the Wenlock River and has some very rough and boggy sections before the deep, challenging Pascoe River crossing. It is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Portlands Road Road (PDR to Lockhart)
The 148 km 4WD, mostly unsealed Portland Roads Road from the PDR to Lockhart River community is open. However the road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. WHEN OPEN HIGH CLEARANCE 4WD RECOMMENDED - TAKE CARE AT RIVER CROSSINGS
Old Lockhart River
The 61 km Adventure 4WD track from Lockhart Community to Old Lockhart River is PERMIT ONLY, call 07 4060 7144. The track is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
The 4WD unsealed Aurukun Road from the PDR to Aurukun is open. The road is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge. Contact Cook Shire Council for visitor traffic and heavy vehicle permits 07 4069 5444. The Adventure 4WD track to False Pera Head is SUBJECT TO PERMIT (call 07 40606800), it is subject to seasonal conditions and recent weather, seek local knowledge.
Mulligan Highway (Lakeland to Cooktown)
The 82km 2WD sealed Mulligan Highway from Lakeland to Cooktown is OPEN.
Wenlock Falls Road
This is currently Closed until further notice.